Type 2 Diabetes REMISSION

Type 2 diabetes no longer needs to be thought of as a lifelong condition. Research shows that losing 10-15kg in the first few years after diagnosis can reverse it. The NHS Tayside diabetes remission programme is here to support you on that journey. Find out more below.
Enrol in the Programme
man and woman embracing each other and smiling affectionately. The man, who has a beard and short hair, is wearing a grey jumper. The woman, with light-coloured hair, is wearing a purple top and turquoise necklace

reversing type 2 diabetes: why weight loss is important

A man with a beard and short hair, wearing a blue checked shirt, smiles warmly while standing outdoors with green foliage in the background

What does it mean to reverse Type 2 diabetes?
Reversing Type 2 diabetes means getting your blood sugar back to normal (or near normal) levels without needing medication. This is possible for many people if they lose 10-15kg (about 2 stone) in weight soon after they're diagnosed.

Why is it called "remission" and not a "cure"?
We say "remission" instead of "cure" because if weight is regained, then diabetes will return.

How does weight loss help?
Losing weight is really important because it gets rid of extra fat in your liver and pancreas. Too much fat in these organs makes it hard for them to control your blood sugar. When you lose weight, they can work normally again.

Want to learn more?
Watch the short YouTube video below to learn more about how losing weight can help reverse Type 2 diabetes.

take action today for a better tomorrow

Type 2 diabetes is serious. On average, it shortens lives by 5 years. People diagnosed under 40 can lose up to 15 years.

You might feel okay just now, but diabetes can cause serious health problems over time. The good news is, you can reverse it!
Losing weight can put your diabetes into remission and help you live a longer, healthier and happier life.

Remission can lower your risk of serious health problems and help you stop medications.
Watch this video to learn more about Type 2 diabetes remission.

About the programme

The programme aims to help you lose weight, reduce medications, and reverse your diabetes.

who can join?

To join the programme, you must:
  • Be 18-65 years old
  • Have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes within the last 3 years
  • Have a HbA1c result of 48 or higher, or 43 or higher if taking diabetes medication
  • Be motivated to lose weight and able to attend regular group sessions
  • Be comfortable using meal replacements for 12 weeks
  • Be willing to attend group sessions via NHS Near Me video conferencing
  • Be registered with a GP practice in Angus, Dundee, or Perth and Kinross

Remission programme: how it works

This programme combines healthy eating, medical checks and psychological support. It lasts for 12 months.

Phase 1: Total Diet Replacement (12 weeks)
You'll replace all meals with soups and shakes. These provide 800-900 calories per day and have all the nutrients you need. This can help you lose 15kg (2 and a half stone) or more. Most people find they stop feeling hungry after the first few days. Diabetes and blood pressure medications are stopped or adjusted during this time.

Phase 2: Food Reintroduction (6 weeks)
You'll start eating regular foods again and gradually increase the number of calories you eat. Every two weeks, you'll add one calorie-controlled meal to your diet. We'll give you guidance on this. This phase is a chance for you to start building new eating habits.

Phase 3: Weight-Loss Maintenance (up to 1 year)
We'll continue to support you to keep the weight off and make healthy changes that last. Keeping the weight off can be hard, but if you do gain some weight back, you can repeat Phase 1 for a short time.

How and where it Runs

Groups sessions: The programme is run in groups of around 15 people, led by Dietitians and Psychologists.

Why groups? We understand that a group setting isn't for everyone, but this format allows us to offer the programme to more people. Research shows that those who participate in groups often achieve more weight loss, and also benefit from the shared experience with others in a similar situation.

Online and in-person: Most sessions are held online via the NHS 'Near Me' video call platform, so you can join from home. We also have four in-person sessions at the Wellgate Library in Dundee to provide opportunities to meet face-to-face.


"Healthy eating" plans for weight loss can be tough because of the daily decisions about what and how much to eat. A Total Diet Replacement plan makes it simpler, but it's not the best choice for everyone.
Here are some things to think about:
1. Am I ready for this? You'll only have soups and shakes for 12 weeks. This takes commitment, but it's often easier than people expect. Think about how this compares to the long term effects of being overweight and having diabetes.

2. Do I have support? Eating is often a social thing, and this programme will change routines with friends and family. It's important to talk to them about it beforehand so they can support you.

3. Am I ready to make long term changes? The hardest part is keeping the weight off after you lose it. You need to be committed to a healthy lifestyle for the long term.

Programme Benefits

achieve diabetes remission by 3 months
Average weight loss (13.6% body weight)
of people would recommend the programme
Available though NHS Tayside at no cost to you

A life changing experience!

"Such a life changing experience! Although the start seems daunting, the support and continual communication was fantastic. The first 12 weeks will fly past and food reintroduction will be the start of an even better you. You will love the end results. After 12 months, I am in remission!"
, Age 
Type 2 Diabetes Remission

A fantastic programme that resets your life

"Just got my results today and my HbA1c is 42. How amazing is that!!! It is a fantastic programme that resets your life back on track. I am so chuffed and thank you so much for opportunity. Feeling brilliant."
, Age 
Type 2 Diabetes Remission

Inspirational on so many levels

"Over the past year, I have found the program not only very helpful, but also inspirational on so many levels. Each member of the NHS team was at all times very supportive, understanding and available to discuss our individual needs, challenges and medical conditions. I am grateful that my health has improved and recognise that this would not have been possible had it not been for this program and the support of the team. A further special note of appreciation for the other participants in my group, who were all welcoming from the outset and equally supportive."
, Age 
Type 2 Diabetes Remission

The sessions are inspiring and helpful

"The group sessions throughout are inspiring and are full of helpful tips. You enter the programme, as I did, feeling alone and nervous, but soon you have become part of a group, you make friends, and have a laugh along the way. There is no race, no rush, and no demand, no judging that you must lose a huge amount of weight. It all just happens naturally, and this is why it's called a journey. The journey of remission."
, Age 
Type 2 Diabetes Remission

Thank you to the NHS for funding this programme

"Sincerely appreciate being considered and accepted. Thank you to the NHS for funding this programme and providing the support and incentives."
, Age 
Type 2 Diabetes Remission

An amazing journey

"Total Diet Replacement, for me, has been life changing. By the end of week 2, I felt the OMG feeling, I definitely experienced some tired spells, and the occasional craving. Some stress at home hit hard, but I was not giving up, and I decided to make some family rules to help me overcome urges, whilst repeating to myself why I was actually doing this. Seeing my sugar levels drop and then seeing the scales drop fortnightly is what has kept me going. Learning and listening to others is a valuable part of understanding where my own emotional eating came from. It has been an amazing journey."
, Age 
Type 2 Diabetes Remission

Fantastic support from all the team

"Would highly recommend this programme. Fantastic support from all the team! I've learnt so much and hope to continue to thrive."
, Age 
Type 2 Diabetes Remission

Total Diet Replacement helped me to reset

"The Total Diet Replacement really helped me to reset and take a break from food. It has helped me understand how much I relied on food for comfort. Reintroducing food slowly with the meal plan really helped."
, Age 
Type 2 Diabetes Remission

Ready to get started?
Sign up for our FREE Type 2 diabetes
remission programme

Please complete the self-referral form below. We'll review your records and let you know within 4 weeks whether your referral has been accepted. Due to high demand, there is currently a 6-month wait to begin the programme. We appreciate your understanding.
Please confirm that the following statements apply to you:
Privacy Notice:

NHS Tayside respects your privacy and is committed to protecting your personal data. We will only use your information to contact you about the Type 2 diabetes remission programme and to check if you're eligible. The information you provide will be collected and securely stored by Webflow, our website platform provider. Webflow will process your data solely on our behalf and will not use it for any other purpose. This information will be stored in such a way that it cannot identify you. By clicking "Submit" you agree to let NHS Tayside store and process your information for the purposes described above.
Thank you for taking the first step in enrolling onto the Tayside Type 2 diabetes remission programme! We'll review your information and be in touch soon regarding next steps.  Please note the programme is not suitable for everyone due to certain medical conditions so we cannot guarantee you a place at this stage. We appreciate your patience as we work through referrals.
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We are here to help you on your journey to put Type 2 diabetes into remission. We have a range of experience and will work with you to give you with the best care possible.
Group of people who make up the NHS Tayside diabetes remission programme standing outside in front of a building entrance
Dr. George Thom | Remission Programme Lead
Dr. Thom was part of a major study that showed it's possible to reverse Type 2 diabetes by losing weight. He makes sure our programme uses the latest research and best practices.
Dr. Pascal Scanlan | GP
Dr. Scanlan is our medical advisor. He guides the team on changes to medications to make sure the programme is safe.
Kendal Kopel and Jude Thain | Dietitians
Our dietitians give expert advice and support on weight management and lifestyle change. They'll also keep a close eye on your blood sugars and blood pressure.
Dr. Hannah Dale and Dr. Amy Malaguti | Health Psychologists
Our health psychologists are experts in helping people change habits. They'll teach you strategies to change your lifestyle and overcome challenges.
Sally Henton | Trainee Health Psychologist
Sally gives extra support to people who are having trouble keeping the weight off. She also helps to run group sessions.
Susan King, Linda Scott & Lorna Murray | Administrative Team
Our admin team works hard behind the scenes to make sure everything runs smoothly for you.


Find out more about what is involved in each phase of the NHS Tayside Type 2 diabetes remission programme below.


After completing the self-referral sign up form (above) or if you've been referred by your doctor/nurse, we’ll be in touch to schedule an initial online appointment with one of the Remission Team. We aim to be in touch within 4 weeks.

During this appointment, we'll check your medical history and medications, provide you with more details on the programme, and if you decide to proceed, we'll discuss the next group start dates.

We'll also arrange equipment for monitoring your blood sugars and blood pressure and a sample of meal replacements to choose your preferred flavours.


(0-12 WEEKS)

For the first 12 weeks, you'll replace all meals with low-calorie soups and shakes (800-900 calories/day). The aim is to lose at least 15kg, as this has been shown to offer the best opportunity for remission.

Medications for blood sugar and blood pressure are usually stopped for safety reasons as they fall with weight loss. You'll monitor these at home and report them to the team.

Fortnightly group meetings with a Dietitian or Health Psychologist will guide you through phase 1. Most sessions are online, but there's in-person meetings at the start and end so you can meet others on the programme, and we can check your weight, blood sugars (HbA1c) and blood pressure.


(13-18 WEEKS)

Over the next 6 weeks, you'll receive guidance on gradually reintroducing healthy meals and establishing new routines. You'll replace shakes/soups with calorie-controlled meals every 2 weeks. You'll continue monitoring your weight, blood sugars, and blood pressure, and attend fortnightly group sessions. You'll also receive an activity tracker as we start to focus more on increasing physical activity (if you are able).

phase 3: WEIGHT LOSS Maintenance

(19-52 weeks)

This phase focuses on maintaining your weight loss and firmly establishing 'new-normal' lifestyle habits. You'll continue receiving support from your Dietitian and Health Psychologist through monthly group sessions, focusing on the fundamentals of weight management, including understanding your eating patterns and managing challenges like stress and emotions. The programme concludes with a final in-person session to take final programme measurements, and celebrate your achievements!

Click the button below to enrol in the programme.


Frequently asked questions about our Type 2 diabetes remission programme

What happens to the medication I take during the Diabetes Remission programme?

Diabetes medication is usually stopped on day 1 of the low calorie diet (not before this point). Blood pressure medications also need to be reduced if you are taking these. We will work with you and your GP/nurse to adjust your medications, ensure your safety and monitor your progress.

How do I join the programme?

Self-refer using the link above! Or, talk to your GP, Practice Nurse or healthcare provider.

Replacing all meals with 4 shakes/soups seems drastic. Won’t I be hungry?

Thousands of people in the UK have been successful using this approach. In the first few days some people feel hungry and find it difficult, but once the diet is underway hunger is not usually a problem, which may come as a surprise. This is because after 2-3 days of low calorie intake, the body uses stored body fat for energy (to make up for the short fall in calorie intake). When the body is using fat for energy, something called ‘ketones’ are produced. Ketones act to suppress appetite by reducing the hunger hormone ghrelin.

Are there any side effects to the Total Diet Replacement?

During the early days of the low calorie diet, headache and fatigue are not unusual, but settle down after a few days. Constipation is quite common but avoidable. We advise all participants to take Fybogel (a fibre supplement) from the beginning of Total Diet Replacement and this can be purchased from chemists or supermarkets, or arranged through your GP practice.

Can I exercise when I’m on the Total Diet Replacement phase?

Intense exercise is best avoided during this time as it can stimulate appetite and increase desire to eat. A sensible walking programme or maintaining usual light activity levels during this stage is advised. Physical activity is introduced and discussed in the next stage of the programme.

Can breaks be taken during the Total Diet Replacement?

Planned breaks can be taken for special occasions or significant change in circumstance. However, these can break momentum and ideally should be kept to a minimum.

What if I regain weight during the programme?

If you do regain weight, a short period of Total Diet Replacement can be offered.

Is it the right programme for me?

This programme is not for everyone. It is worth discussing with family, friends and health care providers but only you can decide whether this is the right type of weight management programme for you. Some people cannot tolerate the Total Diet Replacement due to taste or texture.

Is the Total Diet Replacement suitable for gluten-free/vegan/kosher/halal diets?

The Total Diet Replacement products are Kosher and Halal certified. Products are not suitable for people following a lactose free diet, and there is only a limited range of flavours that are vegan friendly. All products may contain gluten through cross-contamination.

Does my GP/healthcare provider know about this and will they be kept informed?

Your GP will be aware of the remission programme and would be kept informed of your progress.

Could I try to achieve diabetes remission on my own?

Yes – aim to lose 10-15kg using the approach most agreeable to you. Before starting, it is essential that you discuss your plans with your healthcare professional, particularly if you are taking medication for diabetes and/or blood pressure as these may need to be adjusted to keep you safe. If you plan to use a Total Diet Replacement, there are many products on the market. Be aware that not all are suitable.

Do I need to do a diet of shakes/soups to achieve remission?

No. Dietary weight loss by any means is successful, but it is most easily achieved by a Total diet Replacement (shakes/soups) of around 800-900 calories per day followed by sustained sensible dietary habits. Research suggests that traditional weight loss diets are unsuccessful for most people to achieve the 10-15kg weight loss required for remission of Type 2 diabetes. Individual preferences are important though, so choose what works best for you to lose the weight.

Does it matter how long it takes me to lose weight?

The time it takes to lose the weight is unimportant, but losing weight rapidly using a strict approach is often easier and more successful than a long drawn out effort.